A couple of dancers appear one morning in a secondary school classroom. It’s Monday and they announce to a group of students they have five days to go on stage and dance.
A week for change. Little time, but a huge challenge: to move people when the world paralyses us.
Dance forces the teenagers to break their social roles right on the moment of their lives when they are being strengthened. The cute guy is no longer the most admired, the shy one steps forward… Dance forces them to touch each other. They communicate, they become equal. Some will not break free until the last moment.
Wilfried Van Poppel and Amaya Lubeigt are the choreographers. He’s Dutch, she’s Spanish. They arrive from Bremen. Two dancers who have worked with choreographers such as Pina Bausch, Susanne Linke or Urs Dietrich and have now decided to work with people who have never danced before. They do it every week in Germany as well as in many cities around Europe. This time they will do it in San Sebastián.
Dance is the common la a nguage. The place doesn’t matter. This is their challenge: five days, a classroom full of teenagers, a microcosm where a little big-bang takes place.
Have participated on the crowdfunding of Five days to dance:
Alba Camañas
Cederic Personeni
Elisa Molés
Manuel Ros
Adam Brenes
Alejandra Martínez
Amador Iranzo
Amaya Lubeigt
Amaya Orbegozo
Amparo Luna
Ana Casado
Ángel Ardanaz
Ángel Garretas
‘Aquí Se Danza’
Artús Porta
Arturo Peña
Asun Prada
Berit Krumbein
‘Bilbao Flamenco’
Carlos Blum
Carlos Fanjul
Carolina Sellés
Chelo Álvarez
Christian Doose Peters
Christiane Mumperow
Claudia Domingo
Cristina Barbero
Dana Ginevro
Diego Abaitua
Dominique Guilabert
Eduardo Benetó
Enric Granell
Enrique Sánchez
Ester Ayerdi
Eva Lubeigt
Felipe Ruíz
Fernando Cueva
Fernando Olivares
Francis Chicote
Francisco Mas
Gema Muñiz
Gloria Luján
Gloria Martínez
Gregorio Molés
Guadalupe Vegas
Guadalupe Vilar
Guerrero Odriozola
Hartwig Mumperow
Heidrun Bergander
Helena Sá
Hilde Holstein
Horst Wiese
Ibon Doval
Idoia Machimbarrena
Iker Ayerdi
Iker Tome
Inés Peris
Inmaculada Ferández
Irache Velert
Irene Basilio
Irene Iglesias
Isabel Canós
Iván Lequerica
Janina Tritschler
Javier Abuja
Javier Candela
Javier Lupe
Javier Manchado
Jenny Marisol
Johanna Klaffke
Jordi Andreu
José Alejandro Alberola
Jose Carlos Alvarez
José Luis García
José Manuel Casado
Josefina Ibarra
Juan Ignacio España
Juanjo Cabrera
Kai Hermannsen
Karmele Orbegozo
Klaus Haase
Koro Aizarna
Llibertat Monsonís
Luis Granell
Luis Lubeigt
Maiana Bidegain
Manuel Casado
‘Manuel De Larramendi Ikastetxea’
Marcel Reig
María Agirre
María Ángeles Casado-Díaz
María Ángeles Díaz
María Carmen Tecles
María Jesús Paula
María Zulueta
Marina Mas
Marisol Martínez
Marta Martín
Marta Sanahuja
Melanie Stainforth
Mónica Zamora
Nahia Ardanaz
Naia Lubeigt
Nivia Lubeigt
Núria Gabernet
Nuria Tirado
Ody Hermens
Pablo Domingo
‘Panadería Jesús’
Patricia García
Patricia Pérez
Peter Bernholt
Pura Requena
Regina Ritzenhoff
Rosa Agost
Salvador Antón
Sayoa Ayerdi
Silvia Montoya
‘Somos Asesores’
Sonja Konnecke
Susanne Fischer
Sylvia Marsal
Virginia Lorente