“La Pietà” – A New Documentary by Pepe Andreu and Rafa Molés Vilar

‘La pietà’ is a documentary film project developed by the directors Pepe Andreu and Rafa Molés that aims to raise awareness on the current situation of climate change through local story that takes place in the south of Iceland.

This project was conceived when Pepe Andreu and Rafa Molés learned about the story of the Björn siblings, three women and four men who had lived in isolation on a farm at the foot of the Vatnajökull and who, in a practically self-taught way, dedicated their lives to documenting and caring for their surroundings.

Today, many people talk about the dangers of ice melt, but very few do anything about it. ‘La pietà’ wants to revive voice of the Björn siblings to embark on a journey through time, among ghosts and through the ice.

International co-production 

‘La pietà’ is an international co-production between SUICAfilms (Spain), Studio Nominum (Lithuania) and AXfilms (Iceland) that has already attracted the attention and recognition of prestigious international film festivals such as the Lau Haizetara Forum of the San Sebastian International Film Festival, where it was awarded the Fipa Doc Award, the IDFA Forum 2023, where it has been selected for the Forum Pitch Presentations or the CEDOC Market of Doc Lab Poland, among others.
Above you can find some pictures of the presentations of the film.
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