Pics gallery: ‘Lobster Soup’ at RIFF Reykjavik International Film Festival

Pics gallery: ‘Lobster Soup’ at RIFF Reykjavik International Film Festival
24/09/2020 suicafilms

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The premiere of ‘Lobster soup’ at the RIFF – Reykjavik International Film Festival has been very special since for the first time the documentary could be seen in the country where, for the most part, it was shot.
We also had the great opportunity to share the premiere with many of the protagonists, including the brothers Alli and Krilli.
The film’s co-director, Rafa Molés, and co-writer and co-producer, Ólafur Rögnvaldsson, presented the film at the Bío Paradís cinema in Reykjavik.

Photos ©AaronBorda